Krushnali, a young woman from the close-knit town of Wardha, had a seemingly conventional path laid out before her. Growing up with a lawyer father and a homemaker mother, she followed suit, becoming a CA at the young age of 23. However, Krushnali's story takes a turn when she experiences life in Mumbai, a stark contrast to her hometown.
Witnessing the readily available resources and...
Do you know how to grow your target audience on social media? How do you make yourself stand out in a world where everyone is trying to get noticed?
The truth, whether it's pretty or not, is that there's no secret trick to quickly becoming popular on social media. The key is good marketing, which means showing off what makes you special and interesting to...
Telegram is a popular messaging app that offers great potential for monetization. With its active and educated user base, lack of advertising, and various...
YouTube is home to over 2.5 billion users, including individual creators, brands, and global companies.
But not many make the most out of the platform.
We all have heard that consistently posting on Instagram alone can do wonders for your Instagram page.
But that's half of the knowledge.
Consistent posting plus...
Instagram has become home to millions of influencers who share their content, with over 2 billion users present on the platform.
With more and more...
Back then, people believed that YouTube actually worked on guesswork. And so, the virality factor is completely dependent on luck.
What it actually works on...
Hashtags are no more limited to Instagram or LinkedIn.
That’s right, now you can even use YouTube hashtags to increase views and subscribers.
So how do...
Consciously or otherwise, people start finding shortcuts to rank higher on Google.
Back in 2010, they tried to trick the Google algorithm and rank higher...
JEE exams are one of the most prestigious and toughest examinations that students have to go through to secure government engineering colleges in India....
YouTube is the second-best search engine, with more than 1.9 billion monthly active users. Tech-related channels are driving more than one billion views each...